2 min read

Community Sport Delivers $7 Billion Value To Victoria Economy


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he Value of Community Sport and Active Recreation Infrastructure report by KPMG has revealed Victoria’s community sport and active recreation sector delivers $7.04 billion annually to the state’s economy.

The report examined the economic, health, and social impacts of community sport and active recreation infrastructure in Victoria and also found that community sport delivers $2.6 billion in social benefits to Victoria.

The findings of the report also indicated the health benefits provided by community sport and active recreation infrastructure include improved mental health and well-being, reduced risk of chronic illness, and increased productivity, at a value estimated at $2.3 billion.

Through the on-going employment of more than 13,000 full-time positions through the deliver of sport and active recreation at facilities, the report suggests community sport delivers $2.1 billion worth of economic boost to communities.

KPMG was engaged by Sport and Recreation Victoria to produce the report, which used consistent methodology to the 2018 Sport Australia value assessment, which was the first of its kind to attempt to quantify and document the benefits of sporting infrastructure.

Within the report, KPMG said: “This report, building on the work commissioned by Sport Australia, demonstrates the importance that community sport and active recreation infrastructure holds not only on those who use it, but for communities and for society as a whole.”

“The economic, social and health value supported by community sport and active recreation infrastructure in Victoria is at least $7.04 billion.

“As outlined, this value captures only a proportion of the benefits that the infrastructure supports.

“This work makes the case that community sport and active recreation infrastructure can be used as a mechanism to deliver outcomes that extend into almost all facets of Victorian life, making people happier, healthier and more productive, improving social cohesion, and contributing directly and indirectly to a stronger economy.

“There is a significant benefit that can be realised through investment in community sport and active recreation infrastructure.

“Moreover, there are opportunities to further explore a number of these benefits, such as improved social capital, reduced crime and anti-social behaviours, and greater national and elite sporting outcomes, which cannot currently be measured,” the report said.

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