After learning of two neighbouring countries broadcasting the 2022 FIFA World Cup without the right, FIFA has threatened to suspend and possible pull their rights from Thailand all together.
According to several sources, two neighbouring countries have access to matches and have been broadcasting them without the proper rights, which means the country now needs to meet suitable encryption standards or face losing their broadcast rights.
Since learning of the news, FIFA has alerted the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) and met with several broadcasters including the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC).
It has also been reported by an SAT official that they could not meet a suitable standards due to unadvanced transmission technology from service providers, however, they have agreed to propose FIFA with a change to the transmission code to prevent foreign audiences from accessing broadcasts.
Additionally, an official said broadcaster, True Corporation, has given up 16 of their 32 matches, which will be distributed equally to the other 16 free-to-air channels covering the tournament.
The news comes after several European nations including the Netherlands, England and Germany stood down from the One Love campaign and instead wore FIFA issued arm bands.