3 min read

Bulldogs CEO Andrew Hill Appointed To Touch Football Australia Board


Canterbury Bulldogs chief executive officer, Andrew Hill, has been appointed as a director on the Touch Football Australia (TFA) board.

Hill is set to replace National Rugby League (NRL) CEO, Todd Greenberg, who has been a TFA board member since 2014 after the formation of the alliance between the NRL and TFA in 2013.

Despite the move, Greenberg will still work closely to advance the alliance and the mutually developed Non-Contact Strategy with TFA’s CEO Jamie O’Connor and executive team, who are all based at Rugby League Central in Sydney.

TFA chair, Anita Hagarty, said Greenberg has made a huge impact on touch football during his five years on the board is looking forward to working with Hill.

“Todd [Greenberg] has been a driving force behind the growth of the TFA/NRL partnership and we sincerely thank him for his immense contribution,” Hagarty said.

“I couldn’t think of a better replacement for Todd, Andrew was the key instigator in the formation of the TFA/NRL relationship and I know he will be a strong contributor to the board.

“We are very excited about his appointment,” she said.

Andrew Hill, who has formerly worked as the CEO of the Rugby League World Cup 2018, general manager of league integration and development at the NRL, along with general manager roles at the Parramatta Eels and the GWS Giants, before he began his role as Bulldogs CEO in 2017, said it is important to focus on the growth of touch football in Australia.

“Firstly, I’d like to thank the board of Touch Football Australia for appointing me to this position,” Hill said.

“Having been heavily involved with the game of touch football over a number of years, I’ve seen how popular it is and the role it can play in the overall development of our game.

“After the creation of a strategic alliance with the NRL, the game has put itself in a strong position to move forward and it’s important that we capitalise on that position to continue to attract people to play touch football and rugby league whilst finding additional opportunities for the sport.

“I look forward to joining the board of Touch Football Australia and continuing to find ways to promote this outstanding game,” he said.

Hill’s first official duties as a TFA board member, according to TFA, will be at next week’s NSW State Cup in Port Macquarie, supporting his daughter who will be competing in the tournament.

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