The English Premier League will support the Play Safe campaign during this weekend’s matches to raise awareness around safeguarding at children’s sport.
Play Safe, led by the FA and National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), aims to prevent abuse and bullying at children’s sporting events.
The Premier League will be joined by the English Football League and Barclay’s Womens’ Super League and Championship in promoting Play Safe this weekend.
During Premier League matches, the Play Safe campaign will feature in broadcasts, as well as specialised captains’ armbands.
Funds generated from the matches will contribute to Childline, a 24-hour helpline for under-19s.
NSPCC chief executive, Sir Peter Wanless, commented: “We’re delighted that on Play Safe weekend, a weekend that brings the whole football community at every level together to focus on safeguarding, the Premier League is building on our fantastic partnership and funding the NSPCC’s life-changing Childline service for the whole weekend.”
“By funding Childline, the Premier League are ensuring that children and young people across the UK have somewhere to turn if they need help or support,” he said.
Discussing the campaign, FA CEO, Mark Bullingham, added: “Ultimately, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.”
“We all need to ensure that everyone involved in football – particularly children and young people – has a consistently safe and positive experience of our great game.”
“Our Play Safe campaign reminds everyone of that responsibility and keeps safeguarding front of mind, which is exactly where it should be.”
“I have taken the new course and encourage all parents and carers across football to take it too,” he added.
Additionally, the FA is running online safeguarding courses to empower parents and guardians, with short films and education resources also available.
Play Safe builds on UEFA’s recent Save the Children campaign as the football community seeks to ensure safe and enjoyable sports opportunities for all children.