2 min read

Larry Kestelman To Lead Newly Formed NBL Tasmania Advisory Board


As the NBL continues to test viability for a 10th NBL team based in Tasmania, the league’s owner and Executive Chairman, Larry Kestelman, will lead the newly formed NBL Tasmania Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board is comprised of prominent business and sporting leaders from both the north and south of Tasmania and has been formed ahead of next month’s NBL Blitz in Tasmania.

“We want to make basketball the number one sport in Tasmania,” Kestelman said.

“To do that we need to call on the knowledge and expertise of people in Tasmania so we can create a sustainable model for the sport.

“The NBL is a national league and we would like Tasmania to be represented in it with hopefully the issuing of a licence for a 10th team.

“We want it to have a strong Tasmanian DNA from day one and that’s why we need input from leaders of their fields in Tasmania.

“There is still a lot of work to be done but with the support of the people of Tasmania and our advisory board we are confident we can build something all Tasmanians will be proud of.”

He said the NBL Tasmania Advisory Board would be expanded to include other prominent sporting and business figures but the initial board will comprise of:

  • David Bartlett, former Premier of Tasmania
  • Steve Old, CEO of Tasmania Hospitality Association
  • Luke Martin, CEO of Tourism Industry Council Tasmania
  • Chris McCoy, CEO of Basketball Tasmania
  • Janie Finlay, Alderman of the Launceston City Council and Chair of the Launceston Tornadoes

The NBL Blitz will be staged across Tasmania from September 19-22 and include games at Ulverstone, Devonport, Launceston, Kingston and Hobart.

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